Our Services:
Engineering Operations
Of any complexity. Anywhere in Russia and the World
Northern Diving Company LLC:
- performs underwater engineering operations of any complexity;
- works throughout Russia and anywhere in the World;
- individual approach to each client
Full list of underwater engineering operations:
- repair and construction of hydraulic structures (berths, water intakes, syphons, etc.);
- survey of the underwater part of the ship's hull, propeller-rudder complex, sea valves, retractable devices using underwater television (RMRS and RRR);
- emergency shipboard works;
- ship raising operations;
- recovery of submerged objects;
- underwater engineering operations using underwater welding, metal cutting;
- underwater engineering operations for soil development;
- laying of underwater pipelines and cables;
- underwater measurements of residual thicknesses of metal structures, ship hulls;
- underwater survey of water areas;
- underwater survey of berths;
- search and survey of underwater objects;
- work with the use of a remotely operated underwater vehicle (survey of objects, exploring, etc.);
- dredging;
- removal of mine danger from water areas (survey of water areas for explosive remnants of war and their identification);
- providing deep-water descents using the diving chamber;
- renting out the 20-foot-container-based diving complex
- underwater measurements of cathodic potential of corrosion protection of underwater pipelines and hydraulic structures
We use a high quality underwater television system for photo and video reports on the work performed.
Certificate of recognition of the company by the Russian River Register of Shipping
Certificate of recognition of the company by the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping
Certificate of a self-regulatory construction organization
PJSC Rosneft and PJSC Gazprom accreditation